- 規格: 120顆/瓶
- 建議用量: 每日1顆,建議空腹食用,或遵循專業醫師建議。
- 保存期限:兩年
- 說明: 硫辛酸是一種「超級萬能抗氧化劑」,是維生素C和E的四百倍之強,還可以還原其他抗氧化劑。人體會製造硫辛酸,但含量極少。食物中含量也極低而且遇熱會被破壞,所以若有需要,則只由營養品補充。
- R式硫辛酸(R-ALA)在體內的功能類似維生素,能量代謝重要的輔因子,例如將葡萄糖轉化為能量。隨著年齡增長,當肝臟遭受氧化壓力時,身體會越來越難以回收維生素C。R-ALA可以使體內抗氧化劑(水溶性以及脂溶性)再生再利用,來逆轉跟年齡相關的疾病。R式硫辛酸(R-ALA)是一種強大、安全又有效的抗氧化劑,可以說是抗氧化營養素的最大靠山。硫辛酸可提升抗氧化,抗發炎和抗老化的能力,尤其對於肝臟、眼睛和神經系統健康方面更是重要。
- 可以保護身體免受自由基的傷害
- 提升生理機能、抗老化、抗發炎
- 兼具水溶性和油溶性的超級抗氧化劑
- 肝臟、眼睛和神經系統健康必要的營養素
- 自然存在於人體的天然硫辛酸型式
- 輔助葡萄糖的代謝
- Package Quantity: 120 tablets per bottle
- Suggested Use: Take 1 capsule daily preferably on empty stomach, or as recommended by your health professional
- Description: DCNHC ‘s RALA is a supplement that contains alpha-lipoic acid which is a type of sulfur that contains fatty acids that perform vitamin-like tasks in the body. Even though it is not actually a vitamin, it functions like one and is able to metabolize cellular processes like turning glucose into energy. As we age, we begin to lose our ability to recycle ascorbic acid in the liver after experiencing oxidative stress. R-Lipoic Acid supplementation has been known to reverse these age-related issues by promoting the process of ascorbic acid recycling and regulating issues associated with oxidative stress. RALA is a powerful, safe and effective form of antioxidant that aids in protecting your body against free radicals, support the functions of other antioxidants, and disperse itself throughout the body to be present in all tissues, cells and unique extracellular locations.
- Protects Body From Free Radical Damage
- Helps Manage Healthy Amounts of Carbohydrates
- Supports Glucose Metabolism and Production of Natural Energies
- Contains 100 mg of R-Lipoic Acid Per Serving
- Take 1 Capsule Daily On An Empty Stomach
- A Vitamin-Like, Essential Coenzyme for Adults Seeking Protection From Free Radical Damage
- Vegan
要常常喜樂,不住的禱告,凡事謝恩。 (帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:16-18)
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18